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-- --
-- --
-- S Y S T E M . T A S K I N G --
-- --
-- S p e c --
-- (Compiler Interface) --
-- --
-- $Revision: 1.42 $ --
-- --
-- Copyright (C) 1991, 92, 93, 94, 1995 Free Software Foundation, Inc. --
-- --
-- GNARL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under --
-- terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Soft- --
-- ware Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later ver- --
-- sion. GNARL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITH- --
-- OUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY --
-- or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License --
-- for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General --
-- Public License distributed with GNARL; see file COPYING. If not, write --
-- to the Free Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, --
-- MA 02111-1307, USA. --
-- --
-- As a special exception, if other files instantiate generics from this --
-- unit, or you link this unit with other files to produce an executable, --
-- this unit does not by itself cause the resulting executable to be --
-- covered by the GNU General Public License. This exception does not --
-- however invalidate any other reasons why the executable file might be --
-- covered by the GNU Public License. --
-- --
-- GNARL was developed by the GNARL team at Florida State University. It is --
-- now maintained by Ada Core Technologies Inc. in cooperation with Florida --
-- State University (http://www.gnat.com). --
-- --
-- This package provides necessary type definitions for compiler interface.
-- Note: the compiler generates direct calls to this interface, via Rtsfind.
-- Any changes to this interface may require corresponding compiler changes.
with Ada.Finalization;
with Ada.Exceptions;
-- Used for: Exception_Id
with System.Parameters;
-- Used for: Size_Type
with System.Task_Primitives;
-- Used for: Task_Primitives.Lock
with System.Task_Specific_Data;
-- Used for: TSD
with System.Task_Info;
-- Used for: Task_Info_Type;
package System.Tasking is
-- Task_ID related definitions --
type Ada_Task_Control_Block;
type Task_ID is access Ada_Task_Control_Block;
-- This should be a private type. However, compiler generates internal
-- while compiling s-taprob.adb
Null_Task : constant Task_ID;
type Task_List is array (Positive range <>) of Task_ID;
function Self return Task_ID;
pragma Inline (Self);
-- Master_ID Related Definitions --
type Master_ID is private;
-- Priority Declarations --
Unspecified_Priority : constant Integer := System.Priority'First - 1;
Priority_Not_Boosted : constant Integer := System.Priority'First - 1;
subtype Rendezvous_Priority is Integer
range Priority_Not_Boosted .. System.Any_Priority'Last;
-- Enumeration types --
type Task_Stage is (
-- Task has been created but has not begun activation.
-- Task has begin activation.
-- Task has completed activation and is executing the task body.
-- Task is trying to complete a task master other than itself,
-- and is waiting for the tasks dependent on that master to become
-- passive (be complete, terminated, or be waiting on a terminate
-- alternative).
-- The task is passive.
-- The task is committed to becoming complete, but has not yet
-- satisfied all of the conditions for completion. This
-- acts as a claim to completion; once Stage is set to this value,
-- no other task can continue with completion.
-- The task is complete. The task and all of its dependents are
-- passive; some dependents may still be waiting on terminate
-- alternatives.
-- The task is terminated. All dependents waiting on terminate
-- alternatives have been awakened and have terminated themselves.
type Accepting_State is (
Not_Accepting, -- task is not ready to accept any entry call
Trivial_Accept, -- "accept E;"
Simple_Accept, -- "accept E do ... end E;"
Select_Wait); -- most general case
type Call_Modes is (Simple_Call, Conditional_Call, Asynchronous_Call);
type Select_Modes is (Simple_Mode, Else_Mode, Terminate_Mode, Delay_Mode);
-- ATC_Level related definitions --
Max_ATC_Nesting : constant Natural := 20;
subtype ATC_Level_Base is Integer range 0 .. Max_ATC_Nesting;
ATC_Level_Infinity : constant ATC_Level_Base := ATC_Level_Base'Last;
subtype ATC_Level is ATC_Level_Base range
ATC_Level_Base'First .. ATC_Level_Base'Last - 1;
subtype ATC_Level_Index is ATC_Level
range ATC_Level'First + 1 .. ATC_Level'Last;
-- Entry related definitions --
Null_Entry : constant := 0;
Max_Entry : constant := Integer'Last;
Interrupt_Entry : constant := -2;
Cancelled_Entry : constant := -1;
type Entry_Index is range Interrupt_Entry .. Max_Entry;
type Entry_Call_Record;
type Entry_Call_Link is access all Entry_Call_Record;
type Entry_Queue is record
Head : Entry_Call_Link;
Tail : Entry_Call_Link;
end record;
-- PO related definitions --
Null_Protected_Entry : constant := Null_Entry;
Max_Protected_Entry : constant := Max_Entry;
type Protected_Entry_Index is new Entry_Index
range Null_Protected_Entry .. Max_Protected_Entry;
subtype Positive_Protected_Entry_Index is
Protected_Entry_Index range 1 .. Protected_Entry_Index'Last;
type Protection (Num_Entries : Protected_Entry_Index) is private;
-- This type contains the GNARL state of a protected object. The
-- application-defined portion of the state (i.e. private objects)
-- is maintained by the compiler-generated code.
type Protection_Access is access all Protection;
Null_PO : constant Protection_Access := null;
type Communication_Block is private;
-- Objects of this type are passed between GNARL calls to allow RTS
-- information to be preserved.
-- Rendezvous related definitions --
Null_Task_Entry : constant := Null_Entry;
Max_Task_Entry : constant := Max_Entry;
type Task_Entry_Index is new Entry_Index
range Null_Task_Entry .. Max_Task_Entry;
type Task_Entry_Queue_Array is
array (Task_Entry_Index range <>) of
No_Rendezvous : constant := 0;
Max_Select : constant Integer := Integer'Last;
-- RTS-defined
subtype Select_Index is Integer range No_Rendezvous .. Max_Select;
-- type Select_Index is range No_Rendezvous .. Max_Select;
subtype Positive_Select_Index is
Select_Index range 1 .. Select_Index'Last;
type Accept_Alternative is record -- should be packed
Null_Body : Boolean;
S : Task_Entry_Index;
end record;
type Accept_List is
array (Positive_Select_Index range <>) of Accept_Alternative;
type Accept_List_Access is access constant Accept_List;
-- Entry_Call_Record definition --
type Entry_Call_Record is record
Prev : Entry_Call_Link;
Next : Entry_Call_Link;
Self : Task_ID;
Level : ATC_Level;
-- One of Self and Level are redundant in this implementation, since
-- each Entry_Call_Record is at Self.Entry_Calls (Level). Since we must
-- have access to the entry call record to be reading this, we could
-- get Self from Level, or Level from Self. However, this requires
-- non-portable address arithmetic.
Mode : Call_Modes;
Abortable : Boolean;
-- This call is queued abortably.
-- Protection: Acceptor.L. If the call is not on a queue, it should
-- only be accessed by the task doing the call or requeue, and the
-- mutex need not be locked in those cases.
Done : Boolean;
-- The call has been completed.
-- Protection : Self.L, except in certain circumstances where
-- Self knows that the acceptor is suspended waiting for a call,
-- and Self holds the acceptor's mutex.
Has_Been_Abortable : Boolean;
-- The call has been blocked abortably at some point.
-- Currently only used for protected entry calls.
-- Protection: Called_PO.L.
E : Entry_Index;
Prio : System.Any_Priority;
-- The above fields are those that there may be some hope of packing.
-- They are gathered together to allow for compilers that lay records
-- out contiguously, to allow for such packing.
Uninterpreted_Data : System.Address;
Exception_To_Raise : Ada.Exceptions.Exception_Id;
-- The exception to raise once this call has been completed without
-- being aborted.
-- Server : Server_Record;
Called_Task : Task_ID;
-- For task entry calls only. Only one of Called_Task and Called_PO
-- are valid; the other must be Null_Task or null, respectively.
-- In general, Called_Task must be either a legitimate Task_ID or
-- Null_Task. Both Called_Task and Called_PO must be null
-- if the call record is not in use.
-- Protection: Called_Task.L. There are situations in which
-- it is necessary to access this field given only an Entry_Call_Record.
-- This is difficult, since Called_Task.L must be locked to access
-- Called_Task. This is done by doing the lock and then checking
-- to make sure that Called_Task has not changed; see
-- System.Tasking.Utilities.Lock_Server.
Acceptor_Prev_Call : Entry_Call_Link;
-- For task entry calls only.
Acceptor_Prev_Priority : Rendezvous_Priority := Priority_Not_Boosted;
-- For task entry calls only.
-- The priority of the most recent prior call being serviced.
-- For protected entry calls, this function should be performed by
-- GNULLI ceiling locking.
Called_PO : Protection_Access;
-- For protected entry calls only. Only one of Called_Task and
-- Called_PO are valid; the other must be Null_Task or Null_PO,
-- respectively. In general, Called_PO must be either a legitimate
-- Protection_Access value or null. Both Called_Task and
-- Called_PO must be null if the call record is not in use.
-- Protection: Called_PO.L. See notes under Called_Task, above.
end record;
-- Task related other definitions --
type Activation_Chain is limited private;
type Activation_Chain_Access is access all Activation_Chain;
type Task_Procedure_Access is access procedure (Arg : System.Address);
type Access_Boolean is access all Boolean;
type Access_Address is access all System.Address;
-- Ada_Task_Control_Block (ATCB) definition --
type Entry_Call_Array is array (ATC_Level_Index) of
aliased Entry_Call_Record;
D_I_Count : constant := 2;
-- This constant may be adjusted, to allow more Address-sized
-- attributes to be stored directly in the task control block.
subtype Direct_Index is Integer range 0 .. D_I_Count - 1;
-- Attributes with indices in this range are stored directly in
-- the task control block. Such attributes must be Address-sized.
-- Other attributes will be held in dynamically allocated records
-- chained off of the task control block.
type Direct_Attribute_Array is
array (0 .. D_I_Count - 1) of aliased System.Address;
type Direct_Index_Vector is mod 2 ** D_I_Count;
-- This is a bit-vector type, used to store information about
-- the usage of the direct attribute fields.
-- Notes on protection (synchronization) of TRTS data structures.
-- Any field of the TCB can be written by the activator of a task when the
-- task is created, since no other task can access the new task's
-- state until creation is complete.
-- The protection for each field is described in a comment starting with
-- "Protection:".
-- When a lock is used to protect an ATCB field, this lock is simply named.
-- Some protection is described in terms of tasks related to the
-- ATCB being protected. These are:
-- Self: The task which is controlled by this ATCB.
-- Acceptor: A task accepting a call from Self.
-- Caller: A task calling an entry of Self.
-- Parent: The task executing the master on which Self depends.
-- Dependent: A task dependent on Self.
-- Activator: The task that created Self and initiated its activation.
-- Created: A task created and activated by Self.
type Ada_Task_Control_Block (Entry_Num : Task_Entry_Index) is record
LL_TCB : aliased System.Task_Primitives.Task_Control_Block;
-- Control block used by the underlying low-level tasking service
-- (GNULLI).
-- Protection: This is used only by the GNULLI implementation, which
-- takes care of all of its synchronization.
Task_Entry_Point : Task_Procedure_Access;
-- Information needed to call the procedure containing the code for
-- the body of this task.
-- Protection: Part of the synchronization between Self and
-- Activator. Activator writes it, once, before Self starts
-- executing. Self reads it, once, as part of its execution.
Task_Arg : System.Address;
-- The argument to to task procedure. Currently unused; this will
-- provide a handle for discriminant information.
-- Protection: Part of the synchronization between Self and
-- Activator. Activator writes it, once, before Self starts
-- executing. Thereafter, Self only reads it.
Task_Info : System.Task_Info.Task_Info_Type;
-- System-specific attributes of the task as specified by the
-- Task_Info pragma.
Stack_Size : System.Parameters.Size_Type;
-- Requested stack size.
-- Protection: Only used by Self.
Current_Priority : System.Any_Priority;
-- Active priority, except that the effects of protected object
-- priority ceilings are not reflected. This only reflects explicit
-- priority changes and priority inherited through task activation
-- and rendezvous.
-- Ada 95 notes: In Ada 95, this field will be transferred to the
-- Priority field of an Entry_Calls component when an entry call
-- is initiated. The Priority of the Entry_Calls component will not
-- change for the duration of the call. The accepting task can
-- use it to boost its own priority without fear of its changing in
-- the meantime.
-- This can safely be used in the priority ordering
-- of entry queues. Once a call is queued, its priority does not
-- change.
-- Since an entry call cannot be made while executing
-- a protected action, the priority of a task will never reflect a
-- priority ceiling change at the point of an entry call.
-- Protection: Only written by Self, and only accessed when Acceptor
-- accepts an entry or when Created activates, at which points Self is
-- suspended.
Base_Priority : System.Any_Priority;
-- Base priority, not changed during entry calls, only changed
-- via dynamic priorities package.
-- Protection: Only written by Self, accessed by anyone.
New_Base_Priority : System.Any_Priority;
-- New value for Base_Priority (for dynamic priorities package).
-- Protection: Self.L.
L : System.Task_Primitives.Lock;
-- General purpose lock; protects most fields in the ATCB.
Compiler_Data : System.Task_Specific_Data.TSD;
-- Task-specific data needed by the compiler to store
-- per-task structures.
-- Protection: Only accessed by Self.
-- the following declarations are for Rendezvous
Cond : System.Task_Primitives.Condition_Variable;
-- Used by Self to wait for a condition to become true.
-- It is invariant in the GNARL that a task waits only on its
-- own condition variable.
-- Protection: Condition variables are always associated with a lock.
-- The runtime places no restrictions on which lock is used, except
-- that it must protection the condition upon which the task is waiting.
All_Tasks_Link : Task_ID;
-- Used to link this task to the list of all tasks in the system.
-- Protection: All_Tasks.L.
Global_Task_Lock_Nesting : Natural;
-- This is the current nesting level of calls to
-- System.Tasking.Stages.Lock_Task_T.
-- This allows a task to call Lock_Task_T multiple times without
-- deadlocking. A task only locks All_Task_Lock when its
-- All_Tasks_Nesting goes from 0 to 1, and only unlocked when it
-- goes from 1 to 0.
-- Protection: Only accessed by Self.
Activation_Link : Task_ID;
-- Used to link this task to a list of tasks to be activated.
-- Protection: Only used by Activator.
Open_Accepts : Accept_List_Access;
-- This points to the Open_Accepts array of accept alternatives passed
-- to the RTS by the compiler-generated code to Selective_Wait.
-- Protection: Self.L.
Exception_To_Raise : Ada.Exceptions.Exception_Id;
-- An exception which should be raised by this task when it regains
-- control.
-- Protection: Read only by Self, under circumstances where it will
-- be notified by the writer when it is safe to read it:
-- 1. Written by Acceptor, when Self is suspended.
-- 2. Written by Notify_Exception, executed by Self through a
-- synchronous signal handler, which redirects control to a
-- routine to read it and raise the exception.
Chosen_Index : Select_Index;
-- The index in Open_Accepts of the entry call accepted by a selective
-- wait executed by this task.
-- Protection: Written by both Self and Caller. Usually protected
-- by Self.L. However, once the selection is known to have been
-- written it can be accessed without protection. This happens
-- after Self has updated it itself using information from a suspended
-- Caller, or after Caller has updated it and awakened Self.
Call : Entry_Call_Link;
-- The entry call that has been accepted by this task.
-- Protection: Self.L. Self will modify this field
-- when Self.Accepting is False, and will not need the mutex to do so.
-- Once a task sets Stage=Completing, no other task can access this
-- field.
-- The following fields are used to manage the task's life cycle.
Aborter_Link : Task_ID;
-- Link to the list of tasks which tries to abort this task but
-- blocked by another aborter who has already been aborting the task.
Activator : Task_ID;
-- The task that created this task, either by declaring it as a task
-- object or by executing a task allocator.
-- Protection: Set by Activator before Self is activated, and
-- read after Self is activated.
Parent : Task_ID;
Master_of_Task : Master_ID;
-- The task executing the master of this task, and the ID of this task's
-- master (unique only among masters currently active within Parent).
-- Protection: Set by Activator before Self is activated, and
-- read after Self is activated.
Master_Within : Master_ID;
-- The ID of the master currently executing within this task; that is,
-- the most deeply nested currently active master.
-- Protection: Only written by Self, and only read by Self or by
-- dependents when Self is attempting to exit a master. Since Self
-- will not write this field until the master is complete, the
-- synchronization should be adequate to prevent races.
Activation_Count : Integer;
-- This is the number of tasks that this task is activating, i.e. the
-- children that have started activation but have not completed it.
-- Protection: Self.L and Created.L. Both mutexes must be locked,
-- since Self.Activation_Count and Created.Stage must be synchronized.
Awake_Count : Integer;
-- Number of tasks dependent on this task (including this task) that are
-- still "awake": not terminated and not waiting on a terminate
-- alternative.
-- Protection: Self.L. Parent.L must also be locked when this is
-- updated, so that it can be synchronized with
-- Parent.Awaited_Dependent_Count, except under special circumstances
-- where we know that the two can be out of sync without allowing the
-- parent to terminate before its dependents.
Awaited_Dependent_Count : Integer;
-- This is the awake count of a master being completed by this task.
-- Protection: Self.L. Dependent.L must also be locked so that
-- this field and Dependent.Awake_Count can be synchronized, except
-- under special circumstances where we know that the two can be out
-- of sync without allowing the parent to terminate before its
-- dependents.
Terminating_Dependent_Count : Integer;
-- This is the count of tasks dependent on a master being completed by
-- this task which are waiting on a terminate alternative. Only valid
-- when there none of the dependents are awake.
-- Protection: Self.L.
Pending_Priority_Change : Boolean;
-- Flag to indicate pending priority change (for dynamic priorities
-- package). The base priority is updated on the next abortion
-- completion point (aka. synchronization point).
-- Protection: Self.L.
Pending_Action : Boolean;
-- Unified flag indicating pending action on abortion completion
-- point (aka. synchronization point). Currently set if:
-- . Pending_Priority_Change is set or
-- . Pending_ATC_Level is changed.
-- Protection: Self.L.
Pending_ATC_Level : ATC_Level_Base;
-- The ATC level to which this task is currently being aborted.
-- Protection: Self.L.
ATC_Nesting_Level : ATC_Level;
-- The dynamic level of ATC nesting (currently executing nested
-- asynchronous select statements) in this task.
-- Protection: This is only used by Self. However, decrementing it
-- in effect deallocates an Entry_Calls component, and care must be
-- taken that all references to that component are eliminated before
-- doing the decrement. This in turn will probably required locking
-- a protected object (for a protected entry call) or the Acceptor's
-- lock (for a task entry call). However, ATC_Nesting_Level itself can
-- be accessed without a lock.
Deferral_Level : Natural;
-- This is the number of times that Defer_Abortion has been called by
-- this task without a matching Undefer_Abortion call. Abortion is
-- only allowed when this zero.
-- Protection: Only updated by Self; access assumed to be atomic.
Elaborated : Access_Boolean;
-- Pointer to a flag indicating that this task's body has been
-- elaborated. The flag is created and managed by the
-- compiler-generated code.
-- Protection: The field itself is only accessed by Activator. The flag
-- that it points to is updated by Master and read by Activator; access
-- is assumed to be atomic.
Stage : Task_Stage;
-- The general stage of the task in it's life cycle.
-- Protection: Self.L.
-- beginning of flags
Cancel_Was_Successful : Boolean;
-- This indicates that the last attempt to cancel an entry call was
-- successful. It needs to be accurate between a call to
-- *Cancel_*_Entry_Call and the following call to Complete_*_Entry_Call.
-- These calls cannot be nested; that is, there can be no intervening
-- *Cancel_*_Entry_Call, so this single field is adequate.
-- Protection: Accessed only by Self.
Accepting : Accepting_State;
-- The ability of this task to accept an entry call.
-- Protection: Self.L.
Aborting : Boolean;
-- Self is in the process of aborting. While set, prevents multiple
-- abortion signals from being sent by different aborter while abortion
-- is acted upon. This is essential since an aborter which calls
-- Abort_To_Level could set the Pending_ATC_Level to yet a lower level
-- (than the current level), may be preempted and would send the
-- abortion signal when resuming execution. At this point, the abortee
-- may have completed abortion to the proper level such that the
-- signal (and resulting abortion exception) are not handled any more.
-- In other words, the flag prevents a race between multiple aborters
-- and the abortee.
-- Protection: Self.L.
Terminate_Alternative : Boolean;
-- Task is accepting Select with Terminate Alternative.
Interrupt_Entry : Boolean := false;
-- Indicates if one or more Interrupt Entries are attached to
-- the task. This flag is needed for cleaning up the Interrupt
-- Entry bindings.
-- end of flags
Entry_Calls : Entry_Call_Array;
-- An array of entry calls.
-- Protection: The elements of this array are on entry call queues
-- associated with protected objects or task entries, and are protected
-- by the protected object lock or Acceptor.L, respectively.
Entry_Queues : Task_Entry_Queue_Array (1 .. Entry_Num);
-- An array of task entry queues.
-- Protection: Self.L. Once a task has set Self.Stage to Completing, it
-- has exclusive access to this field.
Direct_Attributes : Direct_Attribute_Array;
-- for task attributes that have same size as Address
Is_Defined : Direct_Index_Vector := 0;
-- bit I is 1 iff Direct_Attributes (I) is defined
Indirect_Attributes : Access_Address;
-- a pointer to chain of records for other attributes that
-- are not address-sized, including all tagged types.
end record;
type Barrier_Function_Pointer is access
(O : System.Address;
E : Protected_Entry_Index)
return Boolean;
-- Pointer to a function which evaluates the barrier of a protected
-- entry body. O is a pointer to the compiler-generated record
-- representing the protected object, and E is the index of the
-- entry serviced by the body.
type Entry_Action_Pointer is access
(O : System.Address;
P : System.Address;
E : Protected_Entry_Index);
-- Pointer to a procedure which executes the sequence of statements
-- of a protected entry body. O is a pointer to the compiler-generated
-- record representing the protected object, P is a pointer to the
-- record of entry parameters, and E is the index of the
-- entry serviced by the body.
type Entry_Body is record
Barrier : Barrier_Function_Pointer;
Action : Entry_Action_Pointer;
end record;
-- The compiler-generated code passes objects of this type to the GNARL
-- to allow it to access the executable code of an entry body.
type Protected_Entry_Body_Array is
array (Positive_Protected_Entry_Index range <>) of Entry_Body;
-- This is an array of the executable code for all entry bodies of
-- a protected type.
type Protected_Entry_Body_Access is access all Protected_Entry_Body_Array;
Null_Task : constant Task_ID := null;
type Activation_Chain is new Task_ID;
type Master_ID is new Integer;
type Communication_Block is record
Self : Task_ID;
Enqueued : Boolean := False;
Cancelled : Boolean;
end record;
type Protected_Entry_Queue_Array is
array (Protected_Entry_Index range <>) of
type Protection (Num_Entries : Protected_Entry_Index) is new
with record
L : Task_Primitives.Lock;
Compiler_Info : System.Address;
Call_In_Progress : Entry_Call_Link;
Ceiling : System.Any_Priority;
Old_Base_Priority : System.Any_Priority;
Pending_Action : Boolean;
Entry_Bodies : Protected_Entry_Body_Access;
Entry_Queues : Protected_Entry_Queue_Array (1 .. Num_Entries);
end record;
procedure Finalize (Object : in out Protection);
-- Clean up a Protection object; in particular, finalize the associated
-- Lock object.
end System.Tasking;